Wu Yang

The Wu and Yang method is a direct optimization that works by building a variational functional. The determination of the potential is turned into the maximization of this functional of the potential.

The full method’s description can be found: Wu, Qin, and Weitao Yang. “A direct optimization method for calculating density functionals and exchange–correlation potentials from electron densities.” The Journal of chemical physics 118.6 (2003): 2498-2509.

The method works by building a functional of the potential.

\[W[\Psi_{det}[v_{KS}], v_{KS}] = T_s[\Psi_{det}] + \int d\mathbf{r} v_{KS}(\mathbf{r})\{n(\mathbf{r})-n_{in}(\mathbf{r})\}\]

At the minimum, this functional should be stationary withn respect to any variation of the potential. So that:

\[\frac{\delta W[\Psi_{det}[v_{KS}], v_{KS}]}{\delta v_{KS}(\mathbf{r})} = n(\mathbf{r})-n_{in}(\mathbf{r})\]

Which is just the constraint condition of the electron density. Additionally we may require the second-order functional derivative. In practice, we express it in terms of the orbitals through first order perturbation theory:

\[\frac{\delta^2 W[\Psi_{det}[v_{KS}], v_{KS}]}{\delta v_{KS}(\mathbf{r})\delta v_{KS}(\mathbf{r'})} = \frac{\delta n(\mathbf{r})}{\delta v_{KS}(\mathbf{r'})} = 2\sum_i^{occ.}\sum_a^{unocc.} \frac{\psi_i^*(\mathbf{r})\psi_a(\mathbf{r})\psi_i(\mathbf{r'})\psi_a^*(\mathbf{r'})}{\epsilon_i - \epsilon_a}.\]

With the functional, its gradient and hessian. We can use an optimizer to optimize the functional. In n2v we use the different optimizers from Scipy. Here is how it works.

Be = psi4.geometry(
0 1
units bohr
symmetry c1
""" )

psi4.set_options({"reference" : "rhf"})  # Spin-Restricted

# IMPORTANT NOTE: psi4.energy does not update cc densities. So we calculate dipole moments instead.
wfn = psi4.properties("ccsd/aug-cc-pvtz",  return_wfn=True, molecule=Be, property=['dipole'])[1]

# Build inverter and set target
ibe = n2v.Inverter(wfn, pbs="aug-cc-pvqz")

And just like we do in the ZMP method, we can add to the potential all the components that we know exactly. So that the Kohn-Sham potential, if we are using the Fermi Amaldi potential as the guide, can be express as:

# Inverter with WuYang method, guide potention v0=Fermi-Amaldi
ibe.invert("WuYang", guide_potential_components=["fermi_amaldi"])

The resulting potential will be found on `inverter.v_pbs` which can be turned back into its repressentation in space to be visualized:

vrest = ibe.on_grid_ao(ibe.v_pbs, grid=grids, basis=ibe.pbs)  # Note that specify the basis set
                                                              # that vrest is on.

The full example can be found in the n2v examples repository.