Source code for CADMium.kohnsham.kohnsham


from dataclasses import dataclass
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, current_process
from pydantic import validator, BaseModel
import numpy as np

from .scf import scf
from ..common.coulomb import coulomb
from ..libxc.libxc import Libxc
from ..hartree.hartree import Hartree
from ..pssolver.pssolver import Pssolver

class V:

class E:
    Data class with Kohn-Sham Energy components
    E  : float = 0.0 
    Ec : float = 0.0
    Ex : float = 0.0
    Eks: np.ndarray = np.empty((1,1))
    Vks: np.ndarray = np.empty((1,1))

class KohnShamOptions(BaseModel):
    interaction_type : str = 'dft'
    sym : bool = False
    fractional : bool = False
    xfunc_id : int = 1
    cfunc_id : int = 12
    xc_family : str = 'lda'

    def interaction_type_values(cls, v):
        values = ['dft', 'ni']
        if v not in values:
            raise ValueError(f"'interaction_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
        return v

[docs]class Kohnsham(): """ Handles a standard Kohn-Sham calculation """ def __init__(self, grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo, N, optKS={}): #Validate options optKS = {k.lower(): v for k, v in optKS.items()} for i in optKS.keys(): if i not in KohnShamOptions().dict().keys(): raise ValueError(f"{i} is not a valid option for KohnSham") optKS = KohnShamOptions(**optKS) #Options self.optKS = optKS #Coordinates self.grid = grid self.Nmo = np.array(Nmo) self.N = np.array(N) assert self.Nmo.shape == self.N.shape, "Nmo should be same size as N" #Polarization for fragments self.pol = pol #Structures to store component potentials and energies self.V = V() self.E = E() #Handle for the solver object self.solver = Pssolver(self.grid, self.Nmo, self.N, {"fractional" : optKS.fractional, "sym" : optKS.sym}) #Nuclear charges self.Za = Za self.Zb = Zb #Potentials self.vnuc = None self.vext = None self.vhxc = None self.veff = None #Density self.n = None #Chemical potential self.u = None #Scaling factors for use with ensembles #Fragment energies/densities are scaled by this amount self.scale = None #Qfunction self.Q = np.zeros((self.grid.Nelem)) self.Alpha = None self.Beta = None #Calculates coulomb potential corresponding to Za and Zb self.calc_nuclear_potential() #Libxc/Hartree handles for fragment calculations if optKS.interaction_type == 'dft': = Libxc(self.grid, optKS.xc_family, optKS.xfunc_id) self.correlation = Libxc(self.grid, optKS.xc_family, optKS.cfunc_id) self.hartree = Hartree(grid) elif optKS.interaction_type == 'hfs': = Libxc(self.grid, optKS.xc_family, optKS.xfunc_id) self.correlation = 0.0 self.hartree = Hartree(grid) else: = 0.0 self.correlation = 0.0 self.hartree = 0.0 #Loop through array and setup solver objects for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): self.solver[i,j].hamiltonian() if self.optKS.interaction_type == "ni": self.solver[i,j].e0 = -1.5 * max(self.Za, self.Zb)**2 / (self.solver[i,j].m + 1)**2 else: self.solver[i,j].e0 = - max(self.Za, self.Zb)**2 / (self.solver[i,j].m + 1)**2 # def scf(self, optKS): # scf(self, optKS)
[docs] def scf(self, ks_scf_options={}): scf(self, ks_scf_options)
[docs] def calc_nuclear_potential(self): """ Calculate nuclear potential using the common Coulomb function. Sets the nuclear potential in the object's attribute self.vnuc """ v = coulomb(self.grid, self.Za, self.Zb) self.vnuc = np.zeros((v.shape[0], self.pol)) if self.pol == 1: self.vnuc[:, 0] = v elif self.pol == 2: self.vnuc[:, 0] = v self.vnuc[:, 1] = v if self.optKS.sym is True: self.vnuc = 0.5 * (self.vnuc + self.grid.mirror(self.vnuc))
[docs] def set_effective_potential(self): """ Sets new effective potential. Distributes the current effective potential (vnuc + vhxc) To each orbital's sovler. """ self.veff = self.vnuc + self.vext + self.vhxc for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): self.solver[i,j].setveff(self.veff[:,j])
def set_veff_external(self, veff): """ Distribute veff to each of the orbital's solvers. Parameters ---------- veff: np.ndarray Effective potential to distribute. It shape must be consistent with current set grid. Returns ------- None """ for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): self.solver[i,j].setveff(self.veff[:,j])
[docs] def calc_density(self, ITERATIVE=False, dif=0.0): """ Calculates density using each of the orbitals solvers. Each of the orbital solvers is solved in parallel using Python's std multiprocessing module. Parameters ---------- Iterative: bool. Optional. Default=False. Switches to iterative way of diagonalizing each orbitals. Returns ------- nout: np.ndarray Numpy array with resulting electronic density. """ starttol = 0.01 #Calculate new densities nout = np.zeros((self.grid.Nelem, self.pol)) processes = [] manager = Manager() eig_results = manager.dict() for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): if ITERATIVE is True and dif < starttol: process = Process(target=self.solver[i,j].iter_orbitals, args=((i,j), eig_results)) processes.append(process) process.start() else: process = Process(target=self.solver[i,j].calc_orbitals, args=((i,j), eig_results)) processes.append(process) process.start() #Wait for all processes to end for process in processes: process.join() # #Give each solvers their results for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): self.solver[i,j].eig = eig_results[(i,j)][0] self.solver[i,j].phi = eig_results[(i,j)][1] for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): #Calculate Orbital's densities self.solver[i,j].calc_density() #Add up orbital's densities nout[:,j] += np.squeeze(self.solver[i,j].n) if self.optKS.sym is True: nout = 0.5 * (nout + self.grid.mirror(nout)) return nout
[docs] def energy(self): """ Computes each of the energy components using Kohn-Sham definition and the selected density functional approximation. Parameters ----------- None Returns ------- None Sets each of the energy components in the data class E. Which is an attribute of the object. """ #Collect energy self.E.Eks = np.zeros((1, self.pol)) #Collect total potential energy self.E.Vks = np.zeros((1, self.pol)) #Collect total kinetic energy self.E.Ts = 0.0 #Collect all eigenvalues self.E.evals = np.empty((0)) #Get KohSham energies from solver object for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): self.solver[i,j].calc_energy() self.E.Eks[0,j] += self.solver[i,j].eks self.E.Ts += self.solver[i,j].Ts self.E.Vks[0,j] += self.solver[i,j].Vs self.E.evals = np.append(self.E.evals, self.solver[i,j].eig) if self.optKS.interaction_type == 'ni': self.E.Vnuc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vnuc, axis=1)) self.E.Vext = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vext, axis=1)) self.E.Enuc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vnuc, axis=1)) self.E.Et = self.E.Ts + self.E.Enuc elif self.optKS.interaction_type == 'dft': self.E.Enuc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vnuc, axis=1)) self.E.Vext = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vext, axis=1)) self.E.Vhxc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vhxc, axis=1)) self.V.vh = self.hartree.v_hartree(self.n) = 0.5 * self.V.vh[:,0] self.E.Eh = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n, axis=1) * self.E.Ex, self.V.ex, self.V.vx =, return_epsilon=True) self.E.Ec,, = self.correlation.get_xc(self.n, return_epsilon=True) self.E.Et = self.E.Ts + self.E.Enuc + self.E.Eh + self.E.Ex + self.E.Ec elif self.optKS.interaction_type == "hfs": self.E.Enuc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vnuc, axis=1)) self.E.Vext = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vext, axis=1)) self.E.Vhxc = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n * self.vhxc, axis=1)) self.V.vh = self.hartree.v_hartree(self.n) = 0.5 * self.V.vh[:,0] self.E.Eh = self.grid.integrate(np.sum(self.n, axis=1) * self.E.Ex, self.V.ex, self.V.vx =, return_epsilon=True) self.E.Ec,, = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 self.E.Et = self.E.Ts + self.E.Enuc + self.E.Eh + self.E.Ex + self.E.Ec #Nuclear-Nuclear repulsion self.E.Vnn = self.Za * self.Zb / (2 * self.grid.a) #Total electronic + nuclear energy self.E.E = self.E.Et + self.E.Vnn
# print("Kinetic Energy", self.E.Ts) # print("Nuclear Energy", self.E.Enuc) # print("Hartree Energy", self.E.Eh) # print("Hartree exchange correlation", self.E.Vhxc) # print("Correlation Energy", self.E.Ec) # print("Exchange Energy", self.E.Ex) # print("External", self.E.Vext) # print("Total", self.E.E)
[docs] def calc_hxc_potential(self): """ Calculates the HXC potential using the current density Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Sets the Hartee and Exchange-Correlation energy and potential in the E and V data classes. """ #Fragment effective potentials if self.optKS.interaction_type == "ni": self.vhxc = np.zeros_like(self.vext) elif self.optKS.interaction_type == "dft": #Get effective potential for each element in ensemble self.E.Ex, self.V.vx = self.E.Ec, = self.correlation.get_xc(self.n) self.V.vh = self.hartree.v_hartree(self.n) self.vhxc = self.V.vx + + self.V.vh if self.optKS.sym is True: self.vhxc = 0.5 * (self.vhxc + self.grid.mirror(self.vhxc))
[docs] def calc_chempot(self): """ Calculates the chemical potential as the maximum of the homo per orbital Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Sets chemical potential in self.u """ homos = [] for i in range(self.Nmo.shape[0]): for j in range(self.Nmo.shape[1]): self.solver[i,j].get_homo() homos.append(self.solver[i,j].homo) self.u = max(homos)