from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
from pydantic import validator
from warnings import warn
from .scf import scf
from .vp_nuclear import vp_nuclear
from .vp_kinetic import vp_kinetic
from .vp_hxc import vp_hxc
from .vp_overlap import vp_overlap
from .vp_surprise import vp_surprise
from .EnsCorHar import EnsCorHar
from .energy import energy
from .partition_energy import partition_energy
from .ep_nuclear import ep_nuclear
from .ep_kinetic import ep_kinetic
from .ep_hxc import ep_hxc
from .initialguessinvert import initialguessinvert
from .partition_potential import partition_potential
from ..common.coulomb import coulomb
from ..libxc.libxc import Libxc
from ..hartree.hartree import Hartree
from ..kohnsham.kohnsham import Kohnsham, KohnShamOptions
class V:
class E:
# Ea : float = 0.0
# Eb : float = 0.0
# Ef : float = 0.0
# Tsf : float = 0.0
# Eksf : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
# Enucf : float = 0.0
# Excf : float = 0.0
# Ecf : float = 0.0
# Ehf : float = 0.0
# Vhxcf : float = 0.0
# Ep_pot : float = 0.0
# Ep_kin : float = 0.0
# Ep_hxc : float = 0.0
# Et : float = 0.0
# Vnn : float = 0.0
# E : float = 0.0
# evals_a : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
# evals_b : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
# Ep_h : float = 0.0
# Ep_x : float = 0.0
# Ep_c : float = 0.0
class PartitionOptions(KohnShamOptions):
vp_calc_type : str = 'component'
hxc_part_type : str = 'exact'
kinetic_part_type : str = 'vonweiz'
k_family : str = 'gga'
ke_func_id : int = 5
ke_param : dict = {}
disp : bool = False
ab_sym : bool = False
fractonal : bool = False
ens_spin_sym : bool = False
isolated : bool = False
fixed_q : bool = False
def vp_calc_type_values(cls, v):
values = ['component', 'potential_inversion']
if v not in values:
raise ValueError(f"'vp_calc_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
return v
def hxc_part_type_values(cls, v):
values = ['exact', 'overlap_hxc_2', 'overlap_hxc', 'overlap_xc', 'surprisal', 'hartree']
if v not in values:
raise ValueError(f"'hxc_part_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
return v
def kinetic_part_type_values(cls, v):
values = ['vonweiz','inversion','libxcke','paramke','none','twoorbital','fixed']
if v not in values:
raise ValueError(f"'kinetic_part_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
return v
[docs]class Partition():
Handles calculation of all efective partiions.
Provides an interface with libxc, hartree, and coulomb classes and functions
grid: psgrid
PsGrid object
interaction type: str
{"dft", "non-interacting"}
vp_calc_type: str
Method for calculation of the partition potential
xc_family: str
Functional family
x_func_id: int
Exchange functional id
c_func_id: int
Correlation functional id
Lambda function for exchange functional
Lambda function for correlation functional
k_family: str
Kinetic energy functional family
ke_func_id: str
Kinetic energy functional id
ke_param: dict
Kinetic energy parameters
Function for non-additive kinetic energy functiona
Inverter Lambda function for kinetic energy
Hatree Lambda function
hxc_part_type: str
{"DFT", "non-interacting", "overlap approximation"}
{"von-weizacker", "inversion", "approx kinetic energy functional"}
Polarization of fragments
Nf: int
Number of fragments
Compotent molecular potential
Total Energies
KSa, KSb: Kohn Sham Object
Kohn Sham objects for fragments A and B
Za, Zb: Integer
Fragment nuclear charges
va, vb: np.array
Fragment potentials
na_frac, nb_frac:
Fragment ensembles
nu_a, nu_b: float
Mixing rations
Sum of fragment ensembles
AB_SYM: bool
Use of AB symmetry for homonuclear diatomics
Are the ensembles spin symmetric
Prescence of partition potential. Checks isolated energies
FIXEDQ: bool
Fixed local Q approximation
Allow fractional occupation of the HOMO
Information about most recent inversion
Alpha, Beta:
Convergence Parameters
def __init__(self, grid,
Za, Zb,
Nmo_a, N_a, nu_a,
Nmo_b, N_b, nu_b,
#Validate options
optPartition = {k.lower(): v for k, v in optPartition.items()}
for i in optPartition.keys():
if i not in PartitionOptions().dict().keys():
raise ValueError(f"{i} is not a valid option for KohnSham")
optPartition = PartitionOptions(**optPartition)
self.optPartition = optPartition
# Initialize Partition
self.grid = grid # Grid
self.pol = pol # Polarization
self.Za, self.Zb = Za, Zb # Fragment nuclear charges
#Fragment ensembles, mixing rations, sum of fragment ensembles
self.na_frac, self.nb_fac = None, None
self.nu_a, self.nu_b = nu_a, nu_b
# Are we doing an ensemble calculation?
if nu_a == 1.0 and nu_b == 1.0:
self.ens = False
self.N_a = np.array(N_a)
self.N_b = np.array(N_b)
self.Nmo_a = np.array(Nmo_a)
self.Nmo_b = np.array(Nmo_b)
self.ens = True
self.N_a = np.array(N_a[0])
self.N_b = np.array(N_b[0])
self.Nmo_a = np.array(Nmo_a[0])
self.Nmo_b = np.array(Nmo_b[0])
self.N_A = np.array(N_a[1])
self.N_B = np.array(N_b[1])
self.Nmo_A = np.array(Nmo_a[1])
self.Nmo_B = np.array(Nmo_b[1])
#Component molecular potentials and total energies
self.V = V()
self.E = E()
#Libxc function for fragment calculations
self.inverter = None
#Sanity Check
if optPartition.ab_sym and self.Za != self.Zb:
raise ValueError("optPartition.ab_sym is set but nuclear charges are not symmetric")
if self.nu_a != self.nu_b:
warn("Warning. Fractional Ensemble is different for each fragment.")
# if np.mod(np.squeeze(self.N_a)[0], 1.0) !=0 and self.optPartition.fractional is False:
# warn("Warning. Fractional number of electron requires fractional option active")
# if np.mod(np.squeeze(self.N_b)[0], 1.0) !=0 and self.optPartition.fractional is False:
# warn("Warning. Fractional number of electron requires fractional option active")
self.inversion_info = None
#Conversion parameters
# self.Alpha = None
# self.Beta = None
# Set up Exchange and Correlation Libxc Objects | Set up Hartree object
if optPartition.interaction_type == "dft":
self.exchange = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.xc_family, optPartition.xfunc_id)
self.correlation = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.xc_family, optPartition.cfunc_id)
self.hartree = Hartree(grid,
self.exchange = 0.0
self.correlation = 0.0
self.hartree = 0.0
# Set up Kohn Sham objects
optKS = dict( (k, getattr(optPartition, k)) for k in ('interaction_type',
'xc_family') if hasattr(optPartition, k) )
self.KSa = Kohnsham(self.grid, self.Za, 0, self.pol, self.Nmo_a, self.N_a, optKS)
self.KSb = Kohnsham(self.grid, 0, self.Zb, self.pol, self.Nmo_b, self.N_b, optKS)
if self.nu_a != 1.0 and self.nu_b != 1.0:
self.KSA = Kohnsham(self.grid, self.Za, 0, self.pol, self.Nmo_A, self.N_A, optKS)
self.KSB = Kohnsham(self.grid, 0, self.Zb, self.pol, self.Nmo_B, self.N_B, optKS)
# Figure out scale factors
# Set Kinetic Libxc object
if optPartition.kinetic_part_type == "libxcke":
self.kinetic = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.k_family, optPartition.ke_func_id)
elif optPartition.kinetic_part_type == "paramke":
self.kinetic = Paramke(self.grid, optPartition.k_family,
#------> Class' Methods
[docs] def calc_scale_factors(self):
Calculates scale factors
if self.ens:
self.KSa.scale = 1-self.nu_a
self.KSA.scale = self.nu_a
self.KSb.scale = 1-self.nu_b
self.KSB.scale = self.nu_b
if self.optPartition.disp:
print(f" Active Ensemble:\n")
print(f" Fragment A electrons bewteen: {self.N_a} and {self.N_A}")
print(f" Fragment B electrons between: {self.N_b} and {self.N_B}")
self.KSa.scale = self.nu_a
self.KSb.scale = self.nu_b
#IF ENS_SPIN_SYM is set, then each scale factor is Reduced by a factor of
#two because it will be combined with an ensemble component with
#flipped spins
if self.optPartition.ens_spin_sym is True:
self.KSa.scale = self.KSa.scale / 2.0
self.KSb.scale = self.KSb.scale / 2.0
if self.ens:
self.KSA.scale = self.KSA.scale / 2.0
self.KSB.scale = self.KSB.scale / 2.0
[docs] def calc_nuclear_potential(self):
Calculate external nuclear potentials
self.va = coulomb(self.grid, self.Za, 0)
self.vb = coulomb(self.grid, 0, self.Zb)
self.V.vext = np.zeros((self.va.shape[0], self.pol))
self.V.vext[:,0] = self.va + self.vb
if self.pol == 2:
self.V.vext[:,1] = self.va + self.vb
[docs] def mirrorAB(self):
Mirror fragment A to get B
if not self.ens:
KSa = [self.KSa]
KSb = [self.KSb]
KSa = [self.KSa, self.KSA]
KSb = [self.KSb, self.KSB]
for i in range(len(KSa)):
#Mirror densities and Q functions
KSb[i].n = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].n).copy()
KSb[i].Q = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].Q).copy()
#Energies don't need mirrored, just transfered
KSb[i].E = copy(KSa[i].E)
KSb[i].u = copy(KSa[i].u)
KSb[i].veff = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].veff).copy()
KSb[i].vext = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].vext).copy()
attributes = ["vx", "vc", "vh", "vp", "ex", "ec", "eh"]
#Mirror all potentials
for j in attributes:
if hasattr( KSa[i].V, j ) is True:
setattr( KSb[i].V, j, self.grid.mirror(getattr(KSa[i].V, j)).copy() )
[docs] def calc_protomolecule(self):
Calculate protomolecular density
#Evaluate sum of fragment densities and weighing functions
self.na_frac = np.zeros_like(self.KSa.n)
self.nb_frac = np.zeros_like(self.KSb.n)
if not self.ens:
iksa = [self.KSa]
iksb = [self.KSb]
iksa = [self.KSa, self.KSA]
iksb = [self.KSb, self.KSB]
for i in range(len(iksa)):
self.na_frac += iksa[i].n * iksa[i].scale
self.nb_frac += iksb[i].n * iksb[i].scale
#If we have spin symmetry in the ensemble then add
#each density with spin flipped version
if self.optPartition.ens_spin_sym is True:
self.na_frac += self.grid.spinflip(self.na_frac)
self.nb_frac += self.grid.spinflip(self.nb_frac)
#Nf is the sum of the fragment densities
self.nf = self.na_frac + self.nb_frac
[docs] def calc_Q(self):
Calculate Q functions
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
if not self.ens:
iks = [self.KSa, self.KSb]
iks = [self.KSa, self.KSA, self.KSb, self.KSB]
for i in iks:
i.Q = i.scale * i.n / self.nf
i.Q = np.nan_to_num(i.Q, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0)
[docs] def vp_nuclear(self):
[docs] def vp_kinetic(self):
def vp_hxc(self):
def vp_overlap(self):
def vp_surprise(self):
def energy(self):
def partition_energy(self):
def ep_nuclear(self):
def ep_kinetic(self):
def ep_hxc(self):
def EnsCorHar(self):
[docs] def partition_potential(self):
vp = partition_potential(self)
return vp
[docs] def initialguessinvert(self, ispin):
phi0, e0, vs0 = initialguessinvert(self, ispin)
return phi0, e0, vs0
[docs] def scf(self, optSCF={}):
scf(self, optSCF)