Source code for CADMium.partition.partition

from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
from pydantic import validator
from warnings import warn

from .scf import scf
from .vp_nuclear import vp_nuclear
from .vp_kinetic import vp_kinetic
from .vp_hxc import vp_hxc
from .vp_overlap import vp_overlap
from .vp_surprise import vp_surprise
from .EnsCorHar import EnsCorHar
from .energy import energy
from .partition_energy import partition_energy
from .ep_nuclear import ep_nuclear
from .ep_kinetic import ep_kinetic
from .ep_hxc import ep_hxc
from .initialguessinvert import initialguessinvert
from .partition_potential import partition_potential
from ..common.coulomb import coulomb
from ..libxc.libxc import Libxc
from ..hartree.hartree import Hartree
from ..kohnsham.kohnsham import Kohnsham, KohnShamOptions

class V:    

class E:
    # Ea      : float = 0.0
    # Eb      : float = 0.0 
    # Ef      : float = 0.0
    # Tsf     : float = 0.0
    # Eksf    : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    # Enucf   : float = 0.0
    # Excf    : float = 0.0
    # Ecf     : float = 0.0
    # Ehf     : float = 0.0
    # Vhxcf   : float = 0.0
    # Ep_pot  : float = 0.0
    # Ep_kin  : float = 0.0
    # Ep_hxc  : float = 0.0
    # Et      : float = 0.0
    # Vnn     : float = 0.0
    # E       : float = 0.0
    # evals_a : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    # evals_b : List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    # Ep_h    : float = 0.0
    # Ep_x    : float = 0.0
    # Ep_c    : float = 0.0

class PartitionOptions(KohnShamOptions):
    vp_calc_type      : str = 'component'
    hxc_part_type     : str = 'exact'
    kinetic_part_type : str = 'vonweiz'
    k_family          : str = 'gga'
    ke_func_id        : int = 5
    ke_param          : dict = {}
    disp              : bool = False
    ab_sym            : bool = False
    fractonal         : bool = False
    ens_spin_sym      : bool = False
    isolated          : bool = False
    fixed_q           : bool = False

    def vp_calc_type_values(cls, v):
        values = ['component', 'potential_inversion']
        if v not in values:
            raise ValueError(f"'vp_calc_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
        return v

    def hxc_part_type_values(cls, v):
        values = ['exact', 'overlap_hxc_2', 'overlap_hxc', 'overlap_xc', 'surprisal', 'hartree']
        if v not in values:
            raise ValueError(f"'hxc_part_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
        return v

    def kinetic_part_type_values(cls, v):
        values = ['vonweiz','inversion','libxcke','paramke','none','twoorbital','fixed']
        if v not in values:
            raise ValueError(f"'kinetic_part_type' must be one of the options: {values}")
        return v

[docs]class Partition(): """ Handles calculation of all efective partiions. Provides an interface with libxc, hartree, and coulomb classes and functions Attributes ---------- grid: psgrid PsGrid object interaction type: str {"dft", "non-interacting"} vp_calc_type: str Method for calculation of the partition potential xc_family: str Functional family x_func_id: int Exchange functional id c_func_id: int Correlation functional id exchange: Lambda function for exchange functional correlation: Lambda function for correlation functional k_family: str Kinetic energy functional family ke_func_id: str Kinetic energy functional id ke_param: dict Kinetic energy parameters kinetic: Function for non-additive kinetic energy functiona inverter: Inverter Lambda function for kinetic energy hartree: Hatree Lambda function hxc_part_type: str {"DFT", "non-interacting", "overlap approximation"} kinetic_part_type: {"von-weizacker", "inversion", "approx kinetic energy functional"} polarization: Polarization of fragments Nf: int Number of fragments V: Compotent molecular potential E: Total Energies KSa, KSb: Kohn Sham Object Kohn Sham objects for fragments A and B Za, Zb: Integer Fragment nuclear charges va, vb: np.array Fragment potentials na_frac, nb_frac: Fragment ensembles nu_a, nu_b: float Mixing rations nf: Sum of fragment ensembles AB_SYM: bool Use of AB symmetry for homonuclear diatomics ENS_SPIN_SYM: bool Are the ensembles spin symmetric ISOLATED: bool Prescence of partition potential. Checks isolated energies FIXEDQ: bool Fixed local Q approximation FRACTIONAL: bool Allow fractional occupation of the HOMO inversion_info: Information about most recent inversion Alpha, Beta: Convergence Parameters """ def __init__(self, grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo_a, N_a, nu_a, Nmo_b, N_b, nu_b, optPartition={}): #Validate options optPartition = {k.lower(): v for k, v in optPartition.items()} for i in optPartition.keys(): if i not in PartitionOptions().dict().keys(): raise ValueError(f"{i} is not a valid option for KohnSham") optPartition = PartitionOptions(**optPartition) self.optPartition = optPartition # Initialize Partition self.grid = grid # Grid self.pol = pol # Polarization self.Za, self.Zb = Za, Zb # Fragment nuclear charges #Fragment ensembles, mixing rations, sum of fragment ensembles self.na_frac, self.nb_fac = None, None self.nu_a, self.nu_b = nu_a, nu_b # Are we doing an ensemble calculation? if nu_a == 1.0 and nu_b == 1.0: self.ens = False self.N_a = np.array(N_a) self.N_b = np.array(N_b) self.Nmo_a = np.array(Nmo_a) self.Nmo_b = np.array(Nmo_b) else: self.ens = True self.N_a = np.array(N_a[0]) self.N_b = np.array(N_b[0]) self.Nmo_a = np.array(Nmo_a[0]) self.Nmo_b = np.array(Nmo_b[0]) self.N_A = np.array(N_a[1]) self.N_B = np.array(N_b[1]) self.Nmo_A = np.array(Nmo_a[1]) self.Nmo_B = np.array(Nmo_b[1]) #Component molecular potentials and total energies self.V = V() self.E = E() #Libxc function for fragment calculations self.inverter = None #Sanity Check if optPartition.ab_sym and self.Za != self.Zb: raise ValueError("optPartition.ab_sym is set but nuclear charges are not symmetric") if self.nu_a != self.nu_b: warn("Warning. Fractional Ensemble is different for each fragment.") # if np.mod(np.squeeze(self.N_a)[0], 1.0) !=0 and self.optPartition.fractional is False: # warn("Warning. Fractional number of electron requires fractional option active") # if np.mod(np.squeeze(self.N_b)[0], 1.0) !=0 and self.optPartition.fractional is False: # warn("Warning. Fractional number of electron requires fractional option active") self.inversion_info = None #Conversion parameters # self.Alpha = None # self.Beta = None # Set up Exchange and Correlation Libxc Objects | Set up Hartree object if optPartition.interaction_type == "dft": = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.xc_family, optPartition.xfunc_id) self.correlation = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.xc_family, optPartition.cfunc_id) self.hartree = Hartree(grid, #optPartition, ) else: = 0.0 self.correlation = 0.0 self.hartree = 0.0 # Set up Kohn Sham objects optKS = dict( (k, getattr(optPartition, k)) for k in ('interaction_type', 'sym', 'fractional', 'xfunc_id', 'cfunc_id', 'xc_family') if hasattr(optPartition, k) ) self.KSa = Kohnsham(self.grid, self.Za, 0, self.pol, self.Nmo_a, self.N_a, optKS) self.KSb = Kohnsham(self.grid, 0, self.Zb, self.pol, self.Nmo_b, self.N_b, optKS) if self.nu_a != 1.0 and self.nu_b != 1.0: self.KSA = Kohnsham(self.grid, self.Za, 0, self.pol, self.Nmo_A, self.N_A, optKS) self.KSB = Kohnsham(self.grid, 0, self.Zb, self.pol, self.Nmo_B, self.N_B, optKS) # Figure out scale factors self.calc_scale_factors() # Set Kinetic Libxc object if optPartition.kinetic_part_type == "libxcke": self.kinetic = Libxc(self.grid, optPartition.k_family, optPartition.ke_func_id) elif optPartition.kinetic_part_type == "paramke": self.kinetic = Paramke(self.grid, optPartition.k_family, optPartition.ke_func_id, optPartition.ke_param) self.calc_nuclear_potential() #------> Class' Methods
[docs] def calc_scale_factors(self): """ Calculates scale factors """ if self.ens: self.KSa.scale = 1-self.nu_a self.KSA.scale = self.nu_a self.KSb.scale = 1-self.nu_b self.KSB.scale = self.nu_b if self.optPartition.disp: print(f" Active Ensemble:\n") print(f" Fragment A electrons bewteen: {self.N_a} and {self.N_A}") print(f" Fragment B electrons between: {self.N_b} and {self.N_B}") print("\n") else: self.KSa.scale = self.nu_a self.KSb.scale = self.nu_b #IF ENS_SPIN_SYM is set, then each scale factor is Reduced by a factor of #two because it will be combined with an ensemble component with #flipped spins if self.optPartition.ens_spin_sym is True: self.KSa.scale = self.KSa.scale / 2.0 self.KSb.scale = self.KSb.scale / 2.0 if self.ens: self.KSA.scale = self.KSA.scale / 2.0 self.KSB.scale = self.KSB.scale / 2.0
[docs] def calc_nuclear_potential(self): """ Calculate external nuclear potentials """ = coulomb(self.grid, self.Za, 0) self.vb = coulomb(self.grid, 0, self.Zb) self.V.vext = np.zeros(([0], self.pol)) self.V.vext[:,0] = + self.vb if self.pol == 2: self.V.vext[:,1] = + self.vb
[docs] def mirrorAB(self): """ Mirror fragment A to get B """ if not self.ens: KSa = [self.KSa] KSb = [self.KSb] else: KSa = [self.KSa, self.KSA] KSb = [self.KSb, self.KSB] for i in range(len(KSa)): #Mirror densities and Q functions KSb[i].n = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].n).copy() KSb[i].Q = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].Q).copy() #Energies don't need mirrored, just transfered KSb[i].E = copy(KSa[i].E) KSb[i].u = copy(KSa[i].u) KSb[i].veff = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].veff).copy() KSb[i].vext = self.grid.mirror(KSa[i].vext).copy() attributes = ["vx", "vc", "vh", "vp", "ex", "ec", "eh"] #Mirror all potentials for j in attributes: if hasattr( KSa[i].V, j ) is True: setattr( KSb[i].V, j, self.grid.mirror(getattr(KSa[i].V, j)).copy() )
[docs] def calc_protomolecule(self): """ Calculate protomolecular density """ #Evaluate sum of fragment densities and weighing functions self.na_frac = np.zeros_like(self.KSa.n) self.nb_frac = np.zeros_like(self.KSb.n) if not self.ens: iksa = [self.KSa] iksb = [self.KSb] else: iksa = [self.KSa, self.KSA] iksb = [self.KSb, self.KSB] for i in range(len(iksa)): self.na_frac += iksa[i].n * iksa[i].scale self.nb_frac += iksb[i].n * iksb[i].scale #If we have spin symmetry in the ensemble then add #each density with spin flipped version if self.optPartition.ens_spin_sym is True: self.na_frac += self.grid.spinflip(self.na_frac) self.nb_frac += self.grid.spinflip(self.nb_frac) #Nf is the sum of the fragment densities = self.na_frac + self.nb_frac
[docs] def calc_Q(self): """ Calculate Q functions """ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') if not self.ens: iks = [self.KSa, self.KSb] else: iks = [self.KSa, self.KSA, self.KSb, self.KSB] for i in iks: i.Q = i.scale * i.n / i.Q = np.nan_to_num(i.Q, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0)
[docs] def vp_nuclear(self): vp_nuclear(self)
[docs] def vp_kinetic(self): vp_kinetic(self)
def vp_hxc(self): vp_hxc(self) def vp_overlap(self): vp_overlap(self) def vp_surprise(self): vp_surprise(self) def energy(self): energy(self) def partition_energy(self): partition_energy(self) def ep_nuclear(self): ep_nuclear(self) def ep_kinetic(self): ep_kinetic(self) def ep_hxc(self): ep_hxc(self) def EnsCorHar(self): EnsCorHar(self)
[docs] def partition_potential(self): vp = partition_potential(self) return vp
[docs] def initialguessinvert(self, ispin): phi0, e0, vs0 = initialguessinvert(self, ispin) return phi0, e0, vs0
[docs] def scf(self, optSCF={}): scf(self, optSCF)