
class n2v.Direct[source]

Bases: object

Methods Summary

direct_inversion(grid[, correction])

Given a set of canonical kohn-sham orbitals and energies, constructs vxc by inverting the Kohn-Sham Equations.

Methods Documentation

direct_inversion(grid, correction=True)[source]

Given a set of canonical kohn-sham orbitals and energies, constructs vxc by inverting the Kohn-Sham Equations. If correction is added, it will be performed according to: Removal of Basis-Set Artifacts in Kohn–Sham Potentials Recovered from Electron Densities Gaiduk + Ryabinkin + Staroverov

grid: np.ndarray. Shape: (3xnpoints)

Grid used to compute correction. If None, dft grid is used.

correction: bool

Adds correction for spurious basis set artifacts

vxc_inverted: np.ndarray

Vxc obtained from inverting kohn sham equations. Equation (3)

vxc_lda: np.ndarray

LDA potential from forward calculation.

osc_profile: np.ndarray

Oscillatory profile that corrects inverted potentials. Equation (5)